We help students safely navigate big life decisions

for $5
per student

Democratizing Access to Opportunity

Young adults not going to college are the silent majority.

40% of high school graduates don't enroll in college, and 20% of college attendees don't return the following fall.

We have not prepared high school graduates for the world of work.

75% of high school graduates are not ready to make college and career decisions.

Low-income students are at a further disadvantage.

Students in foster care, on IEPs, English language learners, are all at a further disadvantage when it comes to navigating work after high school.

Making a real difference

"The summer program opened my eyes to college. It changed my perspective on continuing my education. What helped the most were the resources provided and having someone to talk to. If something became difficult, I was able to ask questions. It was helpful to map out a career path so I wasn't just going to college without a purpose."
Morgan – Student – Sutter Union High School
"If Im stuck, there is an intelligent robot out there to help me plan for life and for my future no matter what it is that i want to do"
Richard – Student – Sutter Union High School
"Thanks to the HopeST app, I was able to transform my career dreams into a clear vision, guiding me from early career awareness to a well-defined path toward becoming a pharmaceutical researcher."
Tori – Student – Sutter High School
"The app helped me find the certifications and high-value credentials for good employment. And then I could match the [community college] programs I found in Arizona back to the Hope St appto find out: do these schools offer the best certifications that offer good employment opportunities?"
Angel – Student – Camelback High School

Our Mission

Democratize access to career education and opportunities

We want to empower EVERY student in America to access opportunity.

Our Impact

Real impact for $5 per student

1000+ students inspired in 8 months
75% of students discovered new careers
83% of students find more value in high school
“I learned at LinkedIn that a non-profit structure is necessary to build social impact tools that help young people access opportunities.”
Allen – Chairman of the Board, co-founder of LinkedIn
Contact Allen

A message from our CEO

"We are at a unique moment where: (1) policymakers are finally paying attention to students not going to college and (2) AI has made it possible to simultaneously mentor millions with trust, care and respect. We cannot allow organizations motivated by the wrong incentives to ‘win the market’.

Our team recognizes that a nonprofit, housing a student-centric product team is imperative to deliver an ethical mentorship tool that actually inspires hope in students for years to come."

Meet Our Team

Make a donation today

Just $5 can inspire and engage one more student. Join us in transforming career education.